The action takes place in an alternate reality. The world is ruled by bureaucracy. Predatory creatures like lycanthropes and vampires live in peace with people and have equal rights.
The game implements destructible objects, some of them can affect the gameplay. Lighting in some locations plays an important role, as in the dark you can not see who is hiding in it. And from people can be hide in dense areas of vegetation.
The performing force of the human race are "savants" - people with superpowers. The main character, Adam, is one of the savants. His superpower is to see the future. Adam can't actually die. After his death, he returns to the moment when I could to avoid it. Thus, he can only affect his future. If he makes a mistake, he can't fix it just by going back. For example, if he killed an innocent man, but at that moment he was not in danger, he will return to the moment after the murder.

Multiple endings
Dangerous opponent
Complex gameplay
Non-linear plot



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